联系人:張先生 手 機:15989898856 QQ: 1794493705 ----------------------------------- 電 話:0755- 25611 219 傳 真:0755- 86199 392 地 址: 深圳市南山區深南大道10128号南山软件园A1907 |
達曜科技股份有限公司(DAYAO TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD)是一家專業方案公司, 擁有專業研發團隊, 多年專注MP3音箱,藍牙,WIFI產品,無線充方案,玩具相機攝影機等相關設計, 經營模式為自行或接受客戶委托, 設計開發並提供最合適方案. 達曜擁有從系統設計,邏輯設計,版圖設計直至樣品測試之硬體和軟體環境。所用軟硬體環境圴按最流行類型號配置,極有利於客戶和設計系統銜接。因此,我們可直接提交符合要求設計的資料,亦可直接提供委托設計之IC,並能提供相應的應用領域產品和方案。 在消費類產品中,亦深耕多年,從時鍾,萬年曆,計算器,計步器,溫度計,電波鍾,到收音機產品等,跨度深廣,因應客戶及市場需求,不懈努力,成績蜚然。產品眾多,功能精致獨道,或是大眾流行,皆有之。 DAYAO technology Co. Ltd is a professionalsolution design house with experienced design team, focus on General-purposeMCU solution design , Speech toy product, MP3/Bluetooth speaker, WIFI relatedsolution, Wireless Power Charger, Toy Camera, etc. Focusing on customizedproducts, accepting customer commissions, designing and developing the mostsuitable solutions . With fully solution developed experience on software and hardware, we can completethe projects and mass production in short time. We can provide not only thesolution, but also the Semi-Finished Goods. DAYAO focus on the consumer product for many years, such asAlarm Clock, Calendar, Calculator, Pedometer, Timer, Thermometer, RCC Clock,Radio, etc. And try our best to meet the enquiry of many customers. Lookforward to cooperate with the customers to make the products.